In 1965, Hasbro bought the Rainbow Crafts Company and began manufacturing Play-Doh on a larger scale.
They have since sold over two billion cans of the modeling clay.
Vintage Voices: What Did They Say?
Famous quote about Play-Doh is often attributed to comedian Steve Martin, who said..
“I owe everything I did in my career to Play-Doh.”
– Steve Martin
YouTube Rewind: Watch Now
The Truth About Why Play-Doh Was Created
Top 10 popular toys in the 1960’s:
1) Barbies
2) Hot Wheels
3) Etch A Sketch
4) G.I. Joe
5) Slinky
6) Lego
7) Lincoln Logs
8) Mr. Potato Head
9) Silly Putty
10) Yahtzee